Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Geographical Center

I spent a lot of time in Kansas  yesterday...more than probably necessary, but the goal was two-fold; to find the geodetic center of the USA and the geographic center of the contiguous United States. I was determined to find the one site at Mead's Ranch, near Osbourne, but this is one time determination didn't pan out. All I can say is I was close and apparently was at the Holy Crossroads, which I had no idea existed AND didn't even take a photo. In retrospect, to have taken a photo of this sign on old dirt backroads would have been a good it was so unexpected. I had to wonder how on earth anyone would have known about it? For something so 'holy' it was certainly silent. I finally went to Lebanon, KS to get to the geographic center. What had simply been a following up on a suggestion became a very impactful moment. To be standing there at this center, represented a lot more than just a location.  I didn't expect the impact of being there. Very isolated yet in all directions the country spread from this point. Also what I hadn't realized is that the geodetic center is from where all surveys start, not just within the continental states, but also Canada and Mexico...all from a marker in a pasture. We are ALL connected through this point. As strange as it might sound, I felt that connection while there.

The rest of the day was spend traveling through more of  Kansas, Nebraska and dipping into Iowa...where I'm at now, at a kiosk for wireless...amazing how even wi-fi is popping up more and more in rest areas...whereas at one time if you were able to have a sanitary place for a pit stop, it was a good thing! Weather has been holding out wonderfully, and so far, despite being warned otherwise, I have found the scenery continually intriguing, and not boring at all. Still a couple days out...will enjoy what I can while traveling, then back home to the every day again. Better get going...

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