Friday, August 20, 2010

Hollywood sign

It was quite the challenge to FINALLY take this photograph. It wasn't on my agenda to go to Hollywood but as a daughter asked I thought "Why not?" But just quickly and not fall for the hype. I tried to find my way without directions... which took so long I finally asked for help. Yet even with that, I got so turned around I was well in LA before I realized I was going in the wrong direction. Once I did finally arrive at Hollywood Blvd... I was hooked, with balance I hoped... although I had to wonder at that when I found myself taking photos in the bathroom stalls (the tiles were intriguing!). Then I thought I'd try to go where I wasn't allowed. First time I dropped my money/identification so had to go back; second time, I only got one shot in and I was sent back by security. Having found out they were strict about parking rules too, (I was avoiding the $2.25 per 15 minute charge) I made sure to get back in time as to not get ticketed. As I was driving around more, I realized my children might appreciate photographs of Hollywood High School. Once again, I bargained with a security officer who agreed I could take my photos, as long as I was watched by him. I wandered for a bit, then got back before getting ticketed. I was too late. There was an $80.00 parking ticket waiting for me. I re-read the signage and realized I was wrongly ticketed so decided to fight it which meant a phone call, on what was now, a small time limit left on my phone. If I went over, my phone was no good anymore. As I was deciding my plan of action, the parking patrol drove by again, and I wanted to argue with her then and there...but instead,  I just received a fist being shaken at I was this very bad person! So I called the 1-800 number, and after punching in my ticket # I think it said that the matter was closed and I had to take no further action. I hope they meant it!  STILL, after all this, I decided I should see the sign "Hollywood".  I mean, how hard would it be? Surely I'd make it out before rush hour in LA (not!). And I had been told by several people how to get there and that it was quite close, five minutes away. Two hours later I wondered why I just didn't quit and travel instead. I was hot and tired and the traffic was terrible, But I just couldn't give up. I became driven to see this didn't seem right to be so close and walk away. After more asking and again getting turned around, VICTORY! ...yet not. I was told  while trying to find the trail that "Hey man, that takes forever to walk up, you came way too late...and well man, it wasn't a good idea", but! If I went down a different street I'd find a trail that was very easy to go on. I acknowledged I was fairly out of shape and so tired that this sounded like a very good idea. I found it easily enough and after creative parking, started the trail. It wasn't even past the first curve I was huffing and puffing and red in the face, wondering if this was the 'easy' trail, what was the hard one? It took way longer than the half hour promised, and as the sun beat down and I was the only one there for much of the time yet again I had to wonder why didn't I just stop, and get going eventually I was going to have to make tracks.  Yet by this time I was determined to finish no matter what obstacles or how long it would take to get there. I watched for the rattlesnakes as the posting said they were there. I sweated under the heat I was warned about but thought it wouldn't bother me. Not bringing water wasn't such a great idea either. Yet, the more I hiked, the more I appreciated the surroundings, the view of LA from so high, the total silence and being at one with nature and also the occasional person who would be there too, and the challenge itself. It felt good to push my it became a great reminder for not giving up within the obstacles of life. Once I made it and climbed the final portion without trail (and in bare feet for better traction) it was a triumphant moment. It had become way more than just 'seeing the Hollywood sign.' Going down had its own challenges too, but all in all, the whole exercise was worth it... it was a good lesson in how it feels to persevere to the end and just how good completion feels. And now I can tell my girls I was there.

1 comment:

  1. PS... I STILL owe for that ticket in LA... it is now nearly $200.00. I explained and explained to them I was in the right place at the right time, AND was willing to send photographs... none of this helped... Hoping there's a statute of limitations that kicks in before I make it back out to LA!
